Serious Like (go back »)

April 30 2008, 9:25 PM

     So if you read my about me you already know that I have fallin in love and had my heart broken yada, yada, yada, etc. Anyways so one of my friends K introduced me to one of her friends J and he's super sweet and we have been talking for I don't know hmmm. 6 months and I am in serious like with him like to the point where I feel like I could be falling in love with him and I know that he likes me to, because well he has told me.  Sounds perfect right? WRONG! You see we have never met yet (and I know that your thinking "how could you be falling inlove?")  but I have hung out with his best friend L and she's super nice and she approves of me.  So we have tried to hang out, me and J, but it's always something that comes up and we cant see eachother.  So now that I am leaving for college in hmmm...I dunno like less than 200 days I'm leaving for college in California and I'm so afriad that I might lose him because even though we aren't dating I feel like we are "together" and well I get really jealous when he talks about other guys.  Well that's him calling so I'll ttyl!!! Oh and you should add my myspace



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  • Male
  • 17 years old


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